Esvagt stated that the SOVs will be based on its 831L design and will be 70.5 meters long, with accommodation for up to 60 persons. The contract also includes scope for an additional SOV for servicing the Moray East in the UK.
The contracts be run for a period of up to 15 years.
The two companies have been co-operating in wind farm servicing, notably on the Belwind 1 and Nobelwind 1 offshore wind farm projects in Belgium.
MHI Vestas, chief operating officer Flemming Ougaard said: “We build on many years of strong, innovative collaboration with Esvagt. The combination of our shared knowledge will ensure a competitive and efficient green energy production for many years to come.”
Last year, the company’s newly built SOV Esvagt Mercator began servicing Belwind 1 and Nobelwind 1 offshore wind farm projects for MHI Vestas.
Presently, it has five SOVs and a sixth is currently in production. With the new two new vessels, the company will have eight custom-designed SOVs.
The firm said: “The vessel is designed for maximum fuel efficiency and will be equipped with compensated walk-to-work gangway and ESVAGT’s specially designed daughter craft as well as multiple other features.”
Having previously worked with Havyard on the development of the SOVs ’Esvagt Froude’, ’Esvagt Faraday’, ’Esvagt Njord’ and ’Esvagt Mercator’, the company will collaborates with Norwegian Havyard in the design process for the new vessels.
Located 31km from the coast of the Netherlands, Borssele III-IV wind farm will generate 730MW and will be located on an area of 122 km2. The 860MW Triton Knoll is a UK-based wind farm, 33km from the British coast, covering 146km2 and Moray East will be located 22km from the coast covering 295 km2.
All these wind farms are powered by MHI Vestas’ 9.5MW turbines, together, they are expected to generate enough electricity to power 1.8 million homes annually.
The Borssele III-IV and Triton Knoll wind farms are expected to be commissioned in 2021.