Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) has awarded a contract to GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) to provide outage services for the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant in Eurajoki, Finland.
GEH will provide control rod drive mechanism exchange services for Olkiluoto units 1 and 2 for the remainder of the plant’s operating license. The first outage supported by GEH was recently completed.
“GE has provided TVO with turbine and generator services and we are now proud to deliver under-vessel services to support the Olkiluoto plant,” said John Mackleer, Senior Vice President, Field Services for GEH. “This spring’s outage was challenged by travel restrictions and quarantine time for all personnel but thanks to the dedication of under-vessel specialists from the U.S., Sweden and Finland, we were able to execute the outage in accordance with the planned timeline.”
“The signed contract between the TVO and GEH is an outcome and a result of negotiations which started two years ago,” said Tomi Savolainen, Head of Maintenance at TVO. “During the negotiation phase the final context of contract was evaluated to be long lasting, incorporated with continuous development work and also with clear targets including educational trainings for persons prior to entering Olkiluoto.”
The Olkiluoto boiling water reactors produce about one sixth of all electricity consumed in Finland.