GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) has secured a decommissioning contract from Comprehensive Decommissioning International (CDI) for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station in New Jersey.

As part of the contract, GEH will decommission reactor internals and the reactor pressure vessel at the nuclear power plant located in Lacey Township in the state.

GEH stated that it will use its latest technology to dismantle, segment and pack reactor internals and the reactor pressure vessel of the boiling water reactor that was closed in last September.

All the handling and segmentation will be carried out underwater, which will be conducted using the Primary Segmentation System that was designed in conjunction with REI Nuclear. Last December, GEH acquired the business and certain assets from REI Nuclear.

GEH executive vice president Lance Hall said: “We are pleased to support CDI with a reactor segmentation solution that leverages our experience, expertise and focus on safety and efficiency.”

Early this month, Holtec International’s subsidiaries acquired the Oyster Creek Generating Station from Exelon Generation. This followed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) approval to transfer the plants’ operating licence to Holtec subsidiaries Oyster Creek Environmental Protection as owner and Holtec Decommissioning International as the licenced operator for decommissioning.

Holtec has issued a contract to CDI to complete the decontamination and decommissioning of Oyster Creek. CDI is a joint venture company of Holtec and SNC-Lavalin.

In January, GEH completed the segmentation of reactor internals at Oskarshamn Nuclear Power Plant (OKG) unit 2 in Oskarshamn, Sweden.

By using its latest technology, the company dismantled, segmented and packed reactor internals of OKG unit 2, a boiling water reactor that started operations in 1974 and was closed in 2015.

GEH stated that it will continue with the dismantling and segmentation of reactor internals at OKG unit 1, a boiling water reactor that began operating in 1972 and closed in 2017.