LR and Blue Sea Power (BSP) have signed a Framework Agreement to provide Classification and Assurance Services to three floating storage, regasification, and power generation barges (FSRP) and will initially provide the AIP (Approval in Principle) service contract to the Pre-FEED (Preliminary Front End Engineering and Design) contract being delivered by Houlder, for a project to improve offshore alternative energy infrastructure, initially in the islands of Greece and then in other Global Locations.
The project, a first of its kind, will provide three FSRP barges for Kos, Lesvos, and Chios. The FSRP barges work as integrated floating power plants and are designed to provide continuous uninterrupted power. The electricity production license granted by the Greek Regulator (RAE) is valid till 2056.
As part of the project, LR will class and contribute to the regulatory and safety compliance towards the final operations license, involving both the Energy, Environment and Shipping authorities.
As part of the decarbonisation direction to replace the HFO/diesel autonomous power plants and the latest EU taxonomy rules, the FSRP barges will be using LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), and eventually, Bio-LNG in the barge storage tanks. The FSRP barges will also have the flexibility to support H2 blending capability, marking an important milestone as offshore energy and maritime transition to more sustainable fuels.
Anna Apostolopoulou, Global Floating Offshore Installations (FOI) Director, Lloyd’s Register, said:
“Lloyd’s Register is proud to mark the beginning of this project’s design approval cycle by signing the Pre-FEED/AIP contract. This project, in partnership with Blue Sea Power, will provide affordable power with a rapid development schedule, helping to connect the electricity grids of the three islands and is a big step on the path towards alternative offshore energy.”
Konstantinos Mitropoulos, CEO, Blue Sea Power, said:
“Blue Sea Power is proud to be progressing the FSRP integrated energy solution as part of the energy transition under the EU taxonomy rules as a green investment providing a flexible, repeatable and robust solution for the Greek NII islands. The collaboration with Lloyd’s Register as a top tier 1 classification and technical advisor ensures the technical integrity of our innovative solution.”
The Pre-FEED/AIP was signed on the 9th of June at 13:00 in a ceremony at LR’s Posidonia 2022 stand in Athens, Greece by Konstantinos Mitropoulos and Mark Graham from Blue Sea Power and Nikolaos Tsatsaros, Sean Van der Post, Panos Mitrou, Loukas Goulas and Anna Apostolopoulou from Lloyd’s Register. Other distinguished guests and project partners also joined and celebrated this milestone all together.