To meet the huge demand for electricity, Bangladesh’s finance minister has provided for an allocation of Tk 22750 million in 2002-2003 for fast-track improvement of the power situation. It will be part of a programme to set up 18 power stations in the country over the next few years to meet a projected need of 6071 MW by the year 2007. A number of power plants with a total capacity of 1230 MW are currently undergoing the approvals process.

In addition there is a programme underway to build 2238 MW of power in the private sector under the build-own-operate system of the government’s private power generation policy, as well as a series of small power generation plants outside the national grid to supply remote areas.

The Power Reform Act is at the final stage of approval. It will set up an Energy Regulatory Commission with the responsibility of regulating gas and power generation and distribution, granting licenses, fixing tariff and protecting the interests of consumers.