The available funding will provide financial support of up to £20 million per project where this represents no more than 50% of the total capital value of the project. Programmes of smaller scale aggregated projects that can demonstrate a transformational impact on the way that Scotland generates and uses energy are also welcome to apply.
By making this funding available, LCITP aims to stimulate commercial interest and investment and maximise Scotland's vast potential in the low carbon sector. The successful projects will be innovative in design incorporating one or more low carbon technologies and have the ability to demonstrate tangible economic, social and low carbon benefits for Scotland. They will also showcase commercially viable technologies and encourage wider uptake and replication in communities across Scotland.
Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Keith Brown said:
"The Scottish Government is committed to growing Scotland's low carbon economy, creating jobs and delivering on climate change ambitions.
"All communities across Scotland can benefit from these opportunities.
"The estimated market value of sales in Scotland's low carbon and renewable sector in 2013/14 was £5.6 billion, with around 8,000 businesses employing 21,500 people.
"This fund is another example of the benefits of Scotland remaining in the EU and the single market as The Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP) is supported by the 2014 – 2020 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)."