This sale enables Gaz de France to fulfill one of the commitments it made to the European Commission with regards to its merger process with Suez.

Within the framework of the local delegation of public services, Cofathec Coriance operates in France a total of 23 heating networks, with a length of 125km, as at 2007-end. It serves more than 100,000 housing units and operates 14 cogeneration power stations, providing a total capacity of 80MWe.

In 2007, Cofathec Coriance posted net sales of E63 million for its activities on sale, totaling a production of 670 million kWh of heat and 250 million kWh of electricity.

The A2A Group is the first Italian operator in the urban heating sector, where it operates 24 networks providing production of heat for 1.5TWh. It is also one of the larger players in Italy for the production and distribution of electricity.