The joint venture will develop, build and maintain the transmission line between Delaney and Colorado River substations.
The project, which is estimated to cost about $300m, is scheduled to start commercial operation in 2020. The operation and maintenance revenues will require more investment over the facility’s life.
Upon completion, the project strengthens the electrical interconnection between California and Arizona.
The CAISO estimates the project will increase import capacity into California from Arizona by about 300MW.
Abengoa CEO Santiago Seage said: "This new award will help us to accelerate our development in the power transmission market in the United States, where we expect to continue leveraging our global expertise in order to become a significant player in development, engineering, construction and maintenance of large transmission assets."
Starwood Energy managing director Himanshu Saxena said: "We are looking forward to making this project a success for all stakeholders and to helping California meet its ambitious energy objectives."
Image: The 114-mile, 500kV transmission line will be built between Delaney and Colorado River substations. Photo: courtesy of tiverylucky/