The plant will produce approximately 68,000 barrels of fuel per day.
The plant will employ a hybrid configuration of Accelergy’s Micro-catalytic coal liquefaction system and Yankuang’s proprietary Fischer Tropsch indirect liquefaction system.
It will also utilize Accelergy’s TerraSync terrestrial sequestration system, which is a carbon capture and recycle process, to achieve a thermal efficiency in excess of 60% and achieve a 100% reduction in CO2 emissions.
Construction of the project is expected to start, once the study deems it feasible.
The facility will produce a mixture of distillate fuels including gasoline, diesel and jet fuel.
Recently, Accelergy began fuel production at its pilot facility at the Beijing Research Institute for Coal Chemistry (BRICC).
BRICC certifies coals for Accelergy’ first commercial large-scale coal-to-liquids project.