wind farm

Under the contract, Acciona will provide 600GW a year of renewable electricity to Chilean electric power distributors that operate in the Central Interconnected System (SIC) over 15 years, starting in 2018.

The company will invest $500m on wind and photovoltaic facilities over the next five years to generate 600GWh of renewable energy to meet the needs of around 300,000 Chilean homes while reducing the emission of 576,000t of CO2 per year.

Acciona Energía CEO Rafael Mateo said: "It is a very positive outcome that will strengthen our position in Chile and allow us to make a significant contribution to the country’s objective of achieving a more sustainable energy matrix."

Currently, Acciona Energía owns and operates 8,500MW in 15 countries and the total production exceeded 22TWh in 2013.

Separately, the company is developing a number of wind power and photovoltaic projects in Chile, either as owner or for other customers.

Image: Acciona to develop 255MW of photovoltaic plants and wind farms in Chile. Photo: Courtesy of Acciona Energía.