Advector’s new wireless HVAC zoning system integrates home automation technology and energy efficient programming options to manage airflow, and thereby lower heating and cooling costs.

The new system features wireless remote thermostats that provide room-based temperature control. The system also consists of wireless dampers that deliver airflow only to specified locations and enable consumers to control up to 20 zones from a single location.

Advector’s new zoning system, with its wireless technology, is claimed to provide enhanced flexibility, increasing customer comfort and at the same the wireless control of conditioned air decrease monthly bills by only heating and cooling occupied spaces.

Shawn Grennan, managing director of Advector Systems, said: “Consumers are beginning to focus on upgrade options and home improvement projects that will show an immediate standard of living benefit and potential to reduce energy bills.

“You don’t turn on a light and then leave the room or leave your car running when it’s parked in the garage, but every day you turn on your HVAC system to heat and cool rooms that are not being used. It just does not make sense if your goal is energy savings and cost reduction.”