Dalian Shipbuilding Offshore is one of the branch businesses of Dalian Shipbuilding Industry (DSIC) based in Dalian, in the province of Liaoning, China. The BT4000-type platform is a new deepwater semi-submersible rig designed by Bassoe Technology, a renowned specialist in engineering advanced floating offshore units. It comprises the functions of drilling, workover and well completion. This deep semi-submersible platform is used to drill oil offshore in regions with temperate waters like Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico, West Africa, or Southeast Asia. Water operation depth is between 200 and 2,400 meters, and maximum drilling/workover depth is 8,500 meters.
The project that AEG Power Solutions (AEG PS) will equip is intended to serve a new platform in Santos basin in Brazil, where oil is extracted under salt geological layers. Pre-salt oil is of good quality, although it is found in reserves that are in deep sea areas and under thick layers of salt, requiring this type of platform to extract it. Given the operating conditions, power supply is crucial and must be highly reliable, and must resist the corrosion generated by the maritime environment.
"The design of the solutions was a key factor in the decision of Dalian Shipbuilding to grant us this project," explains Ever Guo, China Managing Director at AEG Power Solutions. "Our experience in engineering power supply for offshore platform was our strength, as well as the high reliability and the ruggedness of our products".
AEG PS’ Protect 8, which represents the main part of this contract, is one of the most reliable UPS in its class. The system’s design is based on an innovative modular architecture, enhanced manufacturing processes, and ‘fit to specification’ concept, which ensures that each application gets exactly what it needs to guarantee optimal performance levels and to achieve world class performance.
AEG PS worked previously with Dalian Shipbuilding on two other drilling platforms: the BT-350 and AJ-46. The new type BT-4000 semi-submersible platform workover is more competitive than the former ones and has been designed to have on board all necessary equipment to drill pre-salt oil. It is well positioned and has significant market potential in the field of deep water oil and gas. Solutions will be delivered in January 2016.
The DSIC group was founded more than a century ago and is active in five industrial sectors: military project undertaking, shipbuilding, offshore equipment building, ship repair/ship scraping and heavy industrial project undertaking. Its yearly revenue is over 20 billion Yuan. It is a prime contractor company specialized in offshore engineering, construction, repair and conversion. Its main business covers jack-up/semi-sub drilling/production platform, drilling ship, FPSO, wind turbine installation vessel and other fixed and floating drilling or oil and gas production facilities.