The California Independent System Operator called it as outage unplanned, since the company did not inform the grid manager ahead of time of the shutdown.
There is no information as to when the unit would resume its services. The company has a policy not to comment on duration of the outage. But the outages at the Alamitos power plant are short-lived.
The Alamitos plant is situated approximately 25 miles South of Los Angeles in Long Beach in Los Angeles County. It has a total power generation capacity of 1,997MW.
The Alamitos plant comprises of six units which include Units 1 and 2 with generation capacity of 175MW each, Unit 3 with 332MW capacity, Unit 4 with 335MW capacity, Unit 5 with 485MW capacity and Unit 6 with 495MW of power generation capacity.
Unit 1, 2,3,4,5 and 6 commenced operations in 1956, 1957, 1961, 1962, 1964 and 1966 respectively. One MW of power generated from the plant can serve approximately 700 homes in California.