According to reports, the 120MW wind power project will cost E170 million and will be operated as a joint venture project between Geo Power, in which AES has a minority stake, Get Watt, Yomi Engineering and Epwar Establishment.
It is anticipated that the wind park will come become operational in 2008.
News of this wind energy project comes six months after AES formed an alternative energy group and announced plans to invest around $1 billion in this sector over the next three years.
Also in line with these renewable energy intentions, AES recently committed to produce 10 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emission offsets by 2012 and said it will pursue offset development projects under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America.
In other recent AES news, in September the company sold a UK power plant off to a subsidiary of International Power Limited for around $60 million.