The Commission, pursuant to Section 34 of the Electric Utilities Act, approved the needs identification document for the project in Decision 2014-114,1 and granted the AESO this approval subject to the provisions of the Electric Utilities Act and the Alberta Utilities Commission Act, any regulations made under the acts, any orders made under the acts, and the Commission rules made pursuant to the Alberta Utilities Commission Act.

The project shall be comprised of the following system developments:

a) One new 144-kV transmission circuit between the Engstrom 2060S and Kinosis 856S substations, to be designated as transmission line 7L183.

b) Add two new 30-megavolt-ampere-reactive mobile capacitor banks to the Kinosis 856S substation.

c) Add one new 240/144-kV transformer, with an approximate rating of 180/240/300-megavolt-amperes, to the Kinosis 856S substation.

d) Other associated equipment as more particularly described in the application.

The Commission may review this approval, in whole or in part, upon its own motion or upon an application by an interested party, in accordance with Section 10 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act.