The onshore exploration Twiga South-1 well located on the 13T block, situated about 22km to the north of the Ngamia-1 discovery, in the Lokichar Basin, has been drilled to a total depth of 3,250m and intersected 30m of net oil pay in the tertiary sandstone reservoirs.

Further potential of the discovery will be evaluated by testing.

The company also encountered a thick sequence of fractured rock section with oil and wet gas show over a gross interval of 796m.

Moveable oil has also been encountered from three sandstone reservoir units similar to that of Ngamia-1 discovery with API over 30 degrees.

Africa Oil president and CEO Keith Hill said the second oil discovery confirms the potential prospect of the Lokichar Basin.

"Of notable interest, is the new fractured play opportunity which has been encountered for the first time in East Africa," Hill added.

It is also the first oil discovery on the 13T block.

Africa Oil alone has 50% interest in the well, whereas Tullow Oil with equal interest is the operator of the well.