The state-owned utility has outlined this investment forecast in its latest plan ‘Transmission Ten-Year Development Plan: 2013-2022’.

Eskom transmission executive Mongezi Ntsokolo was quoted by Engineering News as saying that the planned investments will seek to ensure that the network complies with the minimum reliability criteria.

In addition, the investment will ensure the network is ready to integrate Eskom and independent power producer’ new generation capacity and connect demand centres.

The firm has set about ZAR121bn for projects designed to improve the reliability of the network, another ZAR25bn for programs aimed at integrating new power generation projects, and some ZAR3bn for customer-related projects.

Besides the ZAR149bn for the capacity expansion of the transmission division, Eskom expects to invest ZAR12.2bn on refurbishment projects and ZAR2.3bn on capital spares over the period.