Juliana Xu served as chief technology officer (CTO) of Agria since May 2007. The company does not consider it necessary to make an immediate replacement with another CTO. The company will continue to preserve its core research and development team, while at the same time, continuing to improve collaborations with institutional technical partners like the China National Agricultural Bureau.

Alan Lai, Agria’s chairman and chief executive officer, stated, We thank Gary for his past contributions and continuing service as a director of the Company. At the same time, we are pleased to have Raymond as his successor. Raymond has more than 23 years of finance experience, ranging from serving as a senior accountant at one of the world’s largest auditing firms to holding various positions as a financial controller, chief financial officer and consultant. We look forward to his leadership in the ongoing preparation of our year-end results and management of our finance department.

Cheuk Kwong (Raymond) Lo has over 23 years of experiences in accounting, consulting and financial reporting in both listed and non-listed companies in Hong Kong and Singapore. He is a fellow member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and recognized as a CPA in Australia. Before joining Agria as financial controller in January 2009, he served as a director and shareholder of Perfect Team Consultants, Ltd. Earlier in his career he served as the financial controller for Chen Chien Holdings Ltd., the group CFO at GMT Shipping (HK) Ltd., the chief officer in the financial and administration division at Chen Hsong Machinery Co. Ltd.; and an assistant general manager at Bowden Industries Limited. Lo has also served as a senior accountant with Peat Marwick (now KPMG). He received a Bachelor of Commerce (with Merit) degree in accounting from University of Wollongong (Australia) and also a Master degree in Business Administration (with Credit) from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.