AirAdvice has expanded its BuildingAdvice suite of systems and programs to include NorthWrite’s energy monitoring and verification technology for reporting information, reflecting energy consumption on a long term basis. The company expects that the integration to help service providers reduce building energy costs.

Apart from the Energy Expert application, which NorthWrite has developed in cooperation with Department of Energy, BuildingAdvice will also feature other NorthWrite energy information management system such as Energy Kiosk (energy usage dashboards) and Degree Guard (temperature monitoring and alerting system).

An automated Energy Star benchmarking service was launched earlier this year as part of BuildingAdvice. Now combined with continuous energy monitoring and verification system from NorthWrite, BuildingAdvice will identify specific opportunities to reduce energy waste, verifying actual savings delivered, and ensuring ongoing performance.

Patrick O’Neill, CEO of NorthWrite, said: ‘”AirAdvice shares our vision of developing new channels and methods to deliver energy services, and brings a wealth of expertise with commercial HVAC contractors.

“This partnership gives building owners and operators greater access to our solutions than we could never achieve on our own, and gives contractors access to all of NorthWrite’s solutions through AirAdvice.”