The preparatory work includes the completion of an 8,000bbl containment pit, installation of two 100bbl oil storage tanks and delivery of 3,000ft of production tubing and rods.

According to the company, this work will minimize the time to commence fracing operations and to bring the well online upon completion of a successful frac.

Alamo said that its objective is to increase oil production that started over two decades ago from the lower Huron Shale.

This re-entry recompletion program is aimed at the Squaw, Lower Big Injun, Upper Big Injun, Maxton and Devonian Shale formations with a three-stage 8,000bbl frac.

The land to resource ratio enables 25-acre spacing, which is expected to allow for up to 14 additional wells.

Alamo is focused on the exploration, development and production of onshore oil and gas reserves in the UK and the US.