The three underground coal mines including deep mines 44, 37 and 25, which will be closed in November, are expected to affect 96 jobs.

Paramont Coal is closing the mines as due to an oversupply of coal with reduced demand.

The slump in prices has dropped to unsustainable levels especially for Central Appalachia coal, reported

In August, Alpha Natural Resources and some of its wholly owned subsidiaries have filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11, in the Bankruptcy Court in the Eastern District of Virginia to help it to operate normally and allow it to keep its customer commitment, pay wages and benefits to its employees.

The announcement comes amid new measures being introduced in the US to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants.

The company said that the new regulations affect coal companies due to preference given to renewable energy. Affiliates of Alpha Natural Resources, in July, have notified it employees at six of mines in the US to idle the facilities as part of potential sale.

The mines included Mill Branch Coal’s Dorchester and Osaka deep mines in Virginia, No.6 mine in Letcher County, Kentucky and Pigeon Creek Processing’s Plant No.1 in Wise County.