The company said that two of the mineralogical anomalies with those reported earlier this month.

The target AN117/2, which is located in the northern part of the licence, will be drilled in September with the hole 1 targeting the south eastern part of the anomaly, and the second hole is planned to be drilled in the center.

Target AN117/1, which is said to host strong mineralogical anomaly, will be drilled in September after further geophysical work to pinpoint drill-hole sites.

Botswana Diamonds said: "Two further anomalies, C&D are thought to be kimberlite dykes or veinlets and will not be drilled at this time."
Prospecting Licence PL/206 is believed to have primary sources of diamonds and further ground work will be conducted in the fourth quarter this year.

Botswana Diamonds and Alrosa formed a joint venture in August 2013.