The installation is a part of a general contract awarded to Alstom in February 2013 by German-Dutch transmission system operator TenneT to supply onshore and offshore converter stations and the connecting cable systems for the DolWin wind farm in the North Sea.

The equipment, which was deployed on a substation platform at the Nordic Yards shipyard, has been designed and manufactured at Alstom’s Mönchengladbach facility in Germany.

The transformers were designed specifically to ensure uninterrupted transmission of energy from the converter platform.

In order to guard them against harsh sea weather conditions, the transformers have been installed in specially designed rooms with corrosion protection.

TenneT offshore management member Wilfried Breuer said: "With the grid connection DolWin3, we will provide a total of about 7,000MW connectivity in the North Sea, transporting offshore wind power to the shore.

"This is equivalent to the supply of about nine million households with green energy.

"The German Government’s offshore-expansion target for the North Sea and the Baltic Sea of 6,500MW until 2020 will be fulfilled early."

The Dolwin3 grid connection project is planned to be completed in 2017.

Nordic Yards CEO Herbert Aly said: "The 900MW wind energy DolWin 3 is the most powerful and largest HVDC-converter platform built at Nordic Yards."