The smart grid pilot project, which will serve over 1,500 consumers, is the second of 14 projects being developed under the Indian Power Ministry’s "Smart Grid Pilot" program.

Serving as a proof of concept to further strengthen the Information Technology system, the project will make the distribution grid cost-effective, responsive and better engineered for reliability and self-healing operations.

Under the contract, Alstom will design, develop and implement an integrated set of smart grid applications targeting power quality issues, managing peak demand, power outages and limiting violations at distribution network nodes.

The company will collaborate with Genus Power Infrastructure and a few other original equipment manfactuurer (OEM) suppliers to develop a solution based on its e-terradistribution 3.0, a fully Integrated Distribution Management System.

In addition to enhancing the monitoring and automation of two distribution substations feeding Kala Amb, the smart grid solution will collect data from a new installed smart metering infrastructure and grid sensors, including power transformer condition monitoring.

Additionally, the platform will provide business analytics to the existing utility consumer portal and also allow the state regulator to make suitable adjustments in tariff and other regulations.