Alstom has signed a contract worth approximately €400 million to build the 728 MW Al Mansuriya gas-fired power plant in the Diyala Governorate, northeast of Baghdad. The plant will consist of four units, based on Alstom’s GT13E2 gas turbine, and will be constructed under a turnkey contract, covering delivery of equipment and civil works. The GT13E2 turbine has proved itself with more than 10 million operating hours accumulated worldwide.   

The plant will strengthen Iraq’s electricity network by providing enough electricity for all of the Diyala Governorate and a part of Baghdad, located 80 km away from the plant. The first unit is scheduled to be operational in early 2013. Equipment will be manufactured in Alstom’s factories in France, Switzerland and Germany.

The contract is the natural outcome of a Memorandum of Understanding signed in July 2010, between Patrick Kron, chairman and CEO of Alstom, and the Ministry of Electricity for the development and modernisation of Iraq’s electricity infrastructure. Under this MoU, Alstom is currently rehabilitating unit 1 of the Najaf gas-fired power station, 160 km south of Baghdad. The unit was out of operation for five years but rehabilitation will allow the unit to once again contribute its output of 60 MW to the Iraqi electricity network.