The exploration work includes ground prospecting, limited geological mapping of outcrops, and surface sampling.

AGIN CEO, Con Anast said: "I am pleased to be able to announce the start of exploration work on our property. This work will help to develop a detailed graphite exploration plan which we will then execute in the spring of 2016."

For this exploration work, AGIN has contracted Mr Afzaal Pirzada, P.Geo., of Geomap Exploration Inc., who is a professional geologist with over 25 years’ experience in mineral exploration and mining. In 2012, the Lochaber Graphite deposit, located approximately 80 kilometres to the south was discovered under Mr. Pirzada’s supervision.

The Company will provide a further update after the completion of the fieldwork portion of this exploration program.


100% ownership of 84 mineral claims covering approximately 5,000 hectares of land in Quebec, Canada.
Located within 3 miles of a world class, high-grade graphite deposit (TIMCAL’s Lac des Iles mine has been in production since 1989 with a capacity of 25,000 tons of graphite annually. Source:
Underlain by the same geological environment as the TIMCAL mine, consisting of Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville Province, which includes quartzofeldspathic rocks, quartzite, biotite gneiss, limestone/marble and locally pegmatitic quartzofeldspathic rocks.
Excellent infrastructure support with road accessibility, located 150km from Montreal. Water, power and manpower are all available locally.
Available airborne geophysical data from MRNF indicates a large magnetic anomaly on the property, which can be a potential target for future graphite exploration work. The anomaly covers an area of approximately 4 square kilometres.