AMSC’s wind turbine electrical control systems and core electrical components include the company’s proprietary PowerModule power converters, pitch and yaw converters, SCADA systems and other power electronics.

They enable high-performance wind turbine operation by controlling power flows, regulating voltage, monitoring system performance, controlling the pitch of wind turbine blades and the yaw of the turbines to maximize efficiency, AMSC said.

HHI licensed 1.65MW and 2MW wind turbine designs from AMSC’s wholly owned AMSC Windtec.

Young Kim, senior executive vice president and COO of HHI Electro Electric Systems, said : “HHI’s investment in the wind power industry has created a new growth engine for our company. Over the course of the past year, we have licensed high-quality wind turbine designs from AMSC Windtec, commissioned our first prototype systems and secured our initial wind turbine orders in Korea and the US. We see tremendous growth opportunities in front of us and are expanding our wind turbine capacity to support our growth plans.”

Timothy Poor, senior vice president of global sales and business development at AMSC, said : “HHI continues to scale its manufacturing operation and execute its aggressive growth strategy in the renewable energies market.

“This follow-on order follows close on the heels of the first electrical control system order HHI placed with us in August 2009, demonstrating that its 1.65MW wind turbines are quickly gaining traction in the marketplace.”