
The parties have connected a 250kWh storage unit to the 498.4kW Slepe Farm PV site in Dorset, England, that will provide energy for National Grid when needed.

The companies plan to demonstrate how solar can play an important role in the generation mix and a sustainable way to manage production capacity with customer requirements.

Farm Power Apollo managing director Mark Simon said: "This ground-breaking project shows how innovation by landowners, renewable energy asset owners, energy suppliers and energy services companies can create a new way of delivering renewable energy.

"We have worked with Anesco for many years and their introduction of this neat battery storage solution, along with the collaboration and expertise of Opus Energy, has allowed the Slepe Farm project to claim another first."

Anesco chief executive Adrian Pike said: "We have demonstrated a model approach to renewable energy generation that could effectively be replicated. Ultimately projects such as this will help power from renewables achieve grid parity quicker than otherwise and reduce the draw on green levies in the future."

Opus Energy renewable comercial manager Nigel Williams said: The use of battery storage, in combination with continuing improvements to the technology, stand to hasten the day that solar is able to compete in the energy market in its own right."

Image: Anesco chief executive Adrian Pike and Farm Power Apollo managing director Mark Simon. Photo: Courtesy of Anesco Ltd.