Subject to satisfaction of the terms of the agreement, the Company will join the partnership through the acquisition of a 25.0% interest in licence PEDL244 (the "Acquisition") which includes the entire Balcombe Field discovery.

On behalf of the partnership, Angus Energy will, subject to Oil and Gas Authority ("OGA") approval, assume Operatorship of the Balcombe licence. The Company will commence a fully approved well test program of the Balcombe-2Z horizontal well at the earliest opportunity. Angus Energy will also establish a local Community Liaison Group and contact local residents, at the appropriate time, before work commences.

Under the terms of the agreement, Angus Energy will pay a cash amount in two parts as set out below along with the costs of the well test program of Balcombe-2Z. If the results of the well test are determined successful, the Company will assume the associated costs of a Field Development Plan ("FDP") submission to the Oil & Gas Authority ("OGA").

The Acquisition has been unanimously approved by the Board and will require additional sources of capital. Accordingly the Board is reviewing several financing options and is in the final stages of selection. An update will be provided in due course.

All operations at Balcombe will be performed through conventional production. There will be no hydraulic fracturing or "fracking".