Unit 1 was down for 21 days until 16 August 2014, and Unit 2 for approximately 35 days until 20 September.

Loviisa Unit 1 underwent a so-called short outage that included no extensive alterations or reparations. Unit two had a wider four-year maintenance. During the outages, about one fourth of the fuel in both reactors was replaced.

In addition to the normal scheduled maintenance and fuel replacement on Loviisa 1, the low-pressure casings of turbine 1 were preserviced and modernised, a rotor was exchanged to generator 1, one generator transformer and generator switch were replaced and evaporator inspections were carried out.

"The co-operation of the various participants to the annual outages has improved further, which is clear evidence of how committed our employees are to high-quality operations," says Pertti Salonen, manager of Loviisa power plant’s maintenance unit.

At Loviisa 2, the most significant outage work, besides the normal scheduled maintenance and fuel replacement, consisted of modernisation of the primary coolant circuit pressure control, renewal of the relief valves of the main steam lines, replacement of one main transformer and generator switch, renewal of the circulating water piping, turbine maintenance, generator rotor replacement, extensive inspections of the evaporators as well as containment leak testing.

The most important safety improvement for the 2014 annual outages was a significant reduction of the radiation levels of the reactor loop, thanks to persistent material study and development. The reduced radiation levels, combined with improved working methods, is evidenced in smaller radiation dosages for the personnel than in comparable outages before.

"The annual outages as a whole went safely, according to plan and schedule and
without major incidents endangering the safety of personnel or the plant," says
Timo Eurasto, manager of the operation unit of Loviisa power plant.

A total of 930 contractors were involved in the annual outage and the Loviisa power plant’s ongoing modernisation projects. There are approximately 500 Fortum employees and some 100 permanent contractors working at the Loviisa power plant.