Block 21/24b is about 10 kilometers northeast of the Fyne field, and immediately adjacent to the Teal and South Teal fields to the east, the Clapham and Guillemot Northwest fields to the south and the Pict field to the west. These fields all produce from either the Eocene Tay or the upper Jurassic Fulmar sandstones and block 21/24b is viewed to have potential in both of these formations. A significant oil column in the Fulmar was discovered in this block by a previous operator. This discovery well 21/24-4 was drilled in 1991, but not tested.

Block 21/24b will add about 36,000 acres to Antrim Energy’s asset portfolio in the area. The license will be a traditional license, with seismic processing to be completed and a contingent well to be drilled during the initial four-year term.

Stephen Greer, Antrim Energy’s president and chief executive officer, commented, With its close proximity to existing fields and infrastructure, and potential in two proven producing formations, Block 21/24b is an exciting addition to Antrim’s Central North Sea holdings.