The plant, which will feature 52,000 SunPower solar panels and a single-axis tracking system to help the panels follow the sun across the sky, will provide enough electricity to power 3,750 Arizona homes or meet 50% of the Base’s energy needs.

The company expects to begin construction on the project in January 2011 following the environmental assessments, permitting and site preparation work.

The project is expected to be operational in summer 2011. The project, which is subject to approval by Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), will be financed by the customers of ACC.

Don Robinson, president and chief operating officer of APS, said: “We continue to blend renewable energy into our current generation portfolio in a manner that enables our customers to receive reliable and affordable electricity.

“This solar project is another example of the strong relationship between Luke Air Force Base and APS, and helps both organizations meet their renewable energy needs.”