Likely to ramp up production during the first quarter of 2014, the Leer mine is expected to produce more than 3 million tons of coal annually.

The majority of the coal would be sold into domestic and international metallurgical coal markets for use in the production of steel.

Arch president and chief executive officer John Eaves said the with the longwall start-up, the Leer mine is poised to become a Arch’s Appalachian operations for many years to come.

The company has invested more than $400m for the development of the Leer mine, which produces a high-quality, high-volatile "A" coking coal product.

"With the addition of Leer, we are advancing our long-term, strategic objective of increasing our penetration into domestic and seaborne coking coal markets," Eaves added.

West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin said, "Arch Coal’s investment in the Mountain State not only strengthens our coal industry, it helps create good paying jobs for hardworking West Virginians."

The mine is expected to benefit from a very competitive cost structure once it scales up to full production.