Under the contract, Areva will also provide its expertise for the replacement or installation of the main electrical generators in order to provide a 10% increase in the electrical power output of each reactor.

Areva Germany Installed Base senior vice president Tilo Landgraf said Areva has already deployed its TELEPERM XS digital safety I&C platform at both of the VVER-1000 reactors.

"This new contract demonstrates our customer’s complete satisfaction and strengthens our position in the VVER modernization market," Landgraf added.

Areva provides reliable solutions in safety I&C for nuclear plant operators.

The company has installed safety-related digital TELEPERM XS platform in or ordered for 80 nuclear power plants for 14 different reactor designs in 16 countries, till date.

The nuclear power plant is lcoated in Bulgaria, 200km north of Sofia and 5km east of Kozloduy, a town on the Danube river, near the border with Romania.