According to the companies, the agreement brings security of supply to INB and is in line with Areva’s strategy to develop long term partnerships with major actors in the nuclear field. They further said that the contract is an opportunity to increase cooperation, and could potentially lead to more comprehensive partnership in the field of nuclear fuel cycle.

INB said that the contract strengthens the relationship between the two companies and confirms the proximity between Brazil and France. It expects that working together for next five years will open new opportunities for both parties.

Christian Barandas, executive vice president of chemistry business unit at Areva, said: “We are honoured to have been awarded this contract. These commercial successes confirm the group’s position as world leader in conversion services.”

Angra Nuclear Power Plant is a nuclear power plant located at the Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto (CNAAA) on the Itaorna Beach in Angra dos Reis, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It consists of two pressurized water reactors, Angra I, with a net output of 657MWe, and Angra II, with a net output of 1,350MWe. In 2007 the Brazilian National Energy Council decided to complete Angra III unit, with Angra II similar output, expected connection to the net is 2015.