Both Argentine projects are to be constructed and operated by the independent power producers Termoeléctrica Manuel Belgrano (TMB) and Termoeléctrica José de San Martín (TSM), whose main shareholders are Endesa, Total, AES Petrobras, EdF and Duke. The plants will be located in Campana and in Timbúes near the city of Rosario

For both of the 830 MW gas-fired projects, Siemens will deliver two gas turbines, one steam turbine and its most advanced instrumentation & control system. Furthermore, the Siemens scope of supply includes the heat recovery steam generator and power electrics. Siemens also will handle maintenance for the two power plants for ten years. The consortia partners Duro Felguera and Electroingeniería for TMB and Inelectra and Electroingeniería for TSM will be responsible for the balance of plant and construction of the plants.

The total order is valued at £1.6 billion with Siemens’ share, including a long-term service agreement, amounting to approximately $1 billion. Commercial operation is due to start in the first half of 2008 and full operation in combined cycle mode is scheduled for one year later, in early 2009.