The country is among the lowest generators of renewable energy in Latin America and plans to enhance solar capacity by 35-times.

Camara Argentina de Energia Renovable (CADER) solar head Marcelo Alvarez was quoted by Bloomberg as saying that in the past one year, international developers had proposed to develop 11 new projects with a capacity of 20MW each.

Western Argentina is known to receive considerable solar radiation and developers are seeking to set up solar installations in the regions.

State energy company Energia Argentina renewable projects head Hector Nordio was also quoted as saying that there is significant interest in the country’s solar energy potential.

According to CADER, Argentina plans to develop 3,000MW of clean energy, with solar energy comprising 10% of the mix.

The country has focus on deriving 8% of its energy generation from renewables by 2016, which currently stands at 2%.

Alvarez said that Argentina will promote the industry to expand power capacity, reduce emissions and decrease reliance on diesel imports for off-grid generators.