A total of 1,415 net square kilometers of 3D seismic data has been acquired, and this includes coverage over the entire license area, a halo outside the license boundaries and tie-ins to key wells.

A high priority area from this total has been carved out and is being processed on a fast-track basis to be ready for interpretation and prospect mapping by July 2011.

The company aims to drill exploration wells in late 2011/2012 in order to have the option to use the Ocean Guardian drilling rig currently operating in the area.

The company said it is also using the opportunity of having a seismic vessel under contract in the area to acquire additional 3D seismic data in open acreage to the north of the license to identify additional prospectivity in the northerly continuation of the basin.

Argos Resources is an oil and gas exploration company based in the Falkland Islands.