The new processor also allows it to be installed in MCU applications, and has substantial savings in system cost while maintaining tool and binary compatibility with the feature-rich Cortex-M3 processor.

The new Cortex-M0 processor consumes as little as 85 microwatts/MHz (0.085 milliwatts) in an area of less than 12K gates when utilizing the ARM 180ULL cell library and is build on the unrivaled expertise of the company. The new processor expands the company’s MCU roadmap into the ultra low-power MCU and system on chip (SoC) applications like medical devices, e-metering, lighting, smart control, gaming accessories, compact power supply, power and motor control, precision analog and IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) and the Z-Wave systems. The new Cortex-M0 processor is also appropriate for the programmable mixed signal market with the applications like intelligent sensors and actuators that have traditionally required separate analog and digital devices.

The low-power operation of the new Cortex-M0 processor is improved by ARM Ultra High Density Standard Cell Library for 180ULL process, the ARM Power Management Kit (PMK), low power memory instances built specifically for the new Cortex-M0, and the Keil Microcontroller Development Kit. The ARM low power libraries are optimized to allow low dynamic and static power consumption and decrease chip area. The PMK features the dynamic and leakage power management functions and low power memory instances support external power gating for the extreme leakage reduction.

Early licensees of the new Cortex-M0 processor incorporate NXP Semiconductors Netherlands B.V. (NXP) and, Triad Semiconductor.

We are excited about deploying the smallest ever ARM processor in our product development process, stated Geoff Lees, vice president (VP) and general manager, Microcontroller Division, NXP. By providing 32-bit performance in a 16-bit footprint, the ARM Cortex-M0 processor, enables us to reduce silicon and energy costs without compromising product enhancements or upward code compatibility, making it an ideal complement to the Cortex-M3 architecture that we use across our products.

Smart sensors are an ever growing requirement in a wide range of next-generation applications from industrial, to medical and automotive, stated Jim Kemerling, VP and chief technology officer (CTO) of Triad Semiconductor. Combining the ARM Cortex-M0 processor with our silicon-proven configurable analog and digital technology will provide Triad Semiconductor customers with the fastest, safest and most cost-effective way to design, prototype and produce advanced mixed signal ASICs.

The boundaries between traditional MCU classifications have begun to blur as advancements in technology see the emergence of smaller, more powerful processor families, stated Tony Massimini, CTO, Semico. The ultra low-power ARM Cortex-M0 processor brings this evolution to a whole new level with its 32-bit performance at an 8-bit price point, enabling manufacturers to offer rich and enhanced product features at a significantly lower cost.

The Cortex-M0 processor is yet another demonstration of ARM’s low power leadership and its commitment to drive the industry forward towards higher performance with ever lower power consumption, stated Mike Inglis, executive vice president and general manager, Processor Division, ARM Holdings. With its expertise in low-power technology, ARM has worked closely with its Partners and their customers to ensure that our processor architectures enable the cost and energy-efficient creation of tomorrow’s electronic devices and systems.


The new Cortex-M0 processor is fully supported by the Keil MDK-ARM Microcontroller Development Kit that integrates the ARM RealView Compilation Tools with new Keil µVision4 IDE and the Debugger.

The new µVision4 IDE builds on the success of what is widely acknowledged as the world’s most popular development environment for microcontrollers, stated Reinhard Keil, director of MCU Tools, ARM Holdings. By utilizing these tools, ARM Partners can take advantage of a tightly coupled application development environment to rapidly realize the performance and ultra low-power features of the Cortex-M0 processor.

The new processor is also be supported by the third-party tool and RTOS vendors incorporating CodeSourcery, Code Red, Express Logic, IAR Systems, Mentor Graphics, Micrium and SEGGER.

CMSIS Software Standard:

The new Cortex-M0 processor is fully compatible with the new Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS), the vendor-independent hardware abstraction layer for the new Cortex-M processor series. The CMSIS allows consistent and simple software interfaces to new processor for the silicon vendors and middleware providers, simplifying software for re-use, reducing the learning curve for the new MCU developers and decreasing the time-to-market for new devices.

ARM Fabric IP:

The company provides a comprehensive range of peripheral, debug and interconnect fabric IP, optimized for the ARM processor IP, allowing Partners to decrease risk, improve system performance and accelerate time to market for their ARM processor-based devices.

ARM Services & Support:

Rapid installment of the new Cortex-M0 processor into the embedded design teams is supported via training courses for the hardware systems integration and software programming, and also through the ARM Active Assist project-based advisory service.