Director General of Atomenergoproekt Vladimir Generalov said that the concreting of the foundation plate of the 1st reactor a year before marked the beginning of the federal target program to develop Russia’s nuclear industry in 2007–2010 and 2015. “Today’s event has given start to serial construction of nuclear power plants in Russia,” Generalov said.

Deputy Director General of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation Ivan Kamenskikh said that Novovronezh NPP-2 is the first project started by Russia from zero. “And now we have passed from individual projects to serial construction. This approach is much more economical.”

“Presently, we are implementing six construction projects. System approach stimulates the development of the companies producing equipment of prolonged manufacturing cycle, particularly, reactor systems,” Kamenskikh said.

This will allow them to effectively plan their activities and to supply their products in time.

Deputy Director of Atomenergoprom OJSC Alexander Polushkin said that the start of the construction of the 2nd unit of Novovoronezh NPP-2 had proved that the Government’s plans to develop nuclear energy were complying with the schedule. “It is very good that this project has been started,” Polushkin said.

He pointed out that the development of nuclear energy boosted the development of the economy: it gives the economy not only new energy capacities but also stimuli for industrial growth and new jobs.

“Presently, Russia is building nine nuclear reactors. The rate of the construction is growing each month. I hope that the 2nd unit of Novovoronezh NPP-2 will be built as effectively as all the other units under our program,” Polushkin said.

Atomenergoproekt is engaged in power sector development and designing of NPP facilities.