According to the company, 30 new holes at the Marban deposit have resulted in the discovery of two new zones surrounding the former Marban mine.

The best results from the new High Grade Western Zone include 906.2 grams of gold per tonne over 2.9m (MB-11-198) at a vertical depth of 175m and 5.9 grams of gold per tonne over 15.7m (MB-11-195) at a vertical depth of 125m.

The second new discovery, the Eastern Down Dip Zone, is located about 400m east of the former Marban mine shaft, and includes 6.1 grams of gold per tonne over 12.6m (MB-11-242) at a vertical depth of 350m and 179.5 grams of gold per tonne over 1.2m (MB-11-228) at a vertical depth of 500m.

Aurizon exploration manager Martin Demers said the discovery of these two new gold zones is significant as it demonstrates that there is a higher grade gold distribution around the Marban deposit in distinct zones.

Aurizon can earn up to a 65% interest in the Marban Block property under the terms of an option and joint venture agreement dated 5 July 2010 between NioGold and Aurizon.