Located adjacent to Macquarie Road, the mining lease ML1961 covers a 205 hectare, with a maximum disturbed area of 41 hectares.
The Development Proposal and Environmental Management Plan has been filed with the Environmental Protection Agency and will be on public display for 28 days.
Following this process, a development approval will be given to commence operations in late 2014.
Preliminary work is scheduled to begin in October.
ABx CEO Leon Hawker said: "This is the first new bauxite mine in Australia for over 35 years and will introduce a new bauxite supply into the seaborne bauxite market.
"We look forward to continuing and further developing the relationships that have been built in Tasmania.
"ABx can only operate with a strong social licence and however modest our contribution to local jobs, industry and the economy may be, we will make every effort to meet the expectations of our diverse stakeholders."