The new retail rates from the settlement agreement reflect an overall 1.1% increase in electric base rates, providing $2.8m in additional annual electric revenue.

Base natural gas rates will increase by an overall 1.6% with $1.1m in additional annual natural gas revenue.

In separate actions, the IPUC has also approved annual electric and natural gas rate adjustments that pass through actual changes in expenses or credits and have no impact on Avista’s earnings, the company said.

According to the company, the adjustments will offset all or a portion of the bill impact of the base rate increase to customers.

A residential customer using an average 956kWh of electricity a month will see a $1.79 per month decrease, or 2.1%, for a revised monthly bill of $82.02.

A residential natural gas customer using an average of 62 therms will see a $0.20 per month increase, or 0.3%, for a revised monthly bill of $60.96.

Avista serves over 122,000 electric and more than 74,000 natural gas customers in Idaho, US.