Axial Vector noted that, these four year lease agreements with annual escalator clauses will in turn provide true multi-fuel power production capabilities to the end user.

The generator’s ability to run on clean fuels and obtain carbon credits is reportedly being viewed as an innovative development and is said to have received significant industry interest.

The firm said that the annual revenue per MW has been calculated to be $1.2 million using a $0.15 per kwh price, resulting in a 200% profit margin at current market prices.

Based on firm orders for 80MW capacity, Axial Vector is expecting to see $96 million per year in annual revenue once delivery of these units is made. Diesel-fired emergency power in Africa has averaged $0.28 per kWh, according to the firm.

The firm noted that, further revenue can be generated by selling the carbon credits resulting from the use of clean fuels by these generators. The current price of carbon credits is reportedly at $30 per credit and the company expects the price to rise significantly in the near future.