The application has been lodged with the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit and has entered the Gate-Checking Process for Section 36 applications covering onshore power stations.

At this stage the Scottish Government, in consultation with statutory consultants checks the application documents to ensure that they contain all the necessary information for a full assessment of the proposals to be made. Once past the gate-checking process, the application will be formally accepted by the Scottish Government and the public consultation period will begin.

The proposed project, located on a site between the existing Clydeport coal handling facility at the Hunterston Terminal and Hunterston B nuclear power plant would burn both coal and biomass and use advanced technology with strict emissions control, the company said.

According to the company, the power station has been designed based on the implementation of CCS technology in line with the UK and Scottish Government guidance.

In addition to capturing 90% of the carbon dioxide produced by the plant, the power station technology will increase efficiency and so reduce coal consumption by up to 25% compared to existing conventional plants, thereby further reducing CO2 emissions, the company claimed.

The proposed development will also create a number of jobs in North Ayrshire, employing up to 1,600 people at the peak of construction and approximately 160 on an ongoing basis once the site is up and running.

Muir Miller, project director of Ayrshire Power, said: “Having consulted widely on our plans at Hunterston over the last 18 months and taken on board recent energy policy changes, we are pleased to be able to now submit our plans to the Scottish Government.

“Once they have proceeded through the gate-checking process, we look forward to a further comprehensive public consultation exercise facilitated by the Scottish Government.”