The company, which serves over 650,000 natural gas customers in central Maryland, has also sent a team of natural gas mechanics and technicians to assist New Jersey Natural Gas with restoring gas to customers affected by superstorm Sandy.

BGE senior vice president and COO Stephen J Woerner said, "Low temperatures make restoring service critical for customers who heat with natural gas and we are committed to providing the skilled personnel and equipment necessary to help make New Jersey’s natural gas systems operational again."

Superstorm Sandy damaged electric as well as gas systems last week, impairing various other services in the affected states of the US.

Woerner noted that over 1,900 utility workers from 14 states answered BGE’s call for assistance and aided its crews with restoration efforts last week.

BGE, which delivers power to over 1.2m electric customers in the state of Maryland, is a subsidiary of competitive energy provider Exelon.