The intercepts were identified during exploration drilling program in its northern Darling Range tenement area. The exploration program comprised 302 vertical holes drilled for 2,857 meters across 385 hectare area at a nominal drill pattern of 160m by 80m, the company said.
An initial review of the data revealed that 65% of the holes contain 25% or greater available alumina grades, with a thickness of 2 meters, besides less than 5% reactive silica and maximum strip ratio of 1:1.
Meanwhile, preliminary examination of FTIR analysis returned available alumina range of 25% – 53% and total alumina within bauxite of nearly 59%.
Bauxite Resources stated that it is likely to undertake further drilling at the Fortuna mine in the June quarter.
A final check low temperature bomb digest and XRF analytical data for the program is scheduled during April 2013.
Following the resource estimation study by RPM Global, the company expects to receive a JORC classified resource estimate during the June quarter 2013.