NaiKun Wind submitted a proposal to BC Hydro in November 2008 for a 396MW offshore wind energy project to be built in the Haida energy field in Hecate Strait off British Columbia’s northwest coast.

Paul Taylor, president and CEO of NaiKun Wind, said: “We are obviously very disappointed with the outcome and will seek discussions with BC Hydro to fully understand its decision and determine the most effective path forward for the project.

“We firmly believe that projects of our scale and advanced degree of development are necessary for British Columbia to reach its electricity self-sufficiency objective and climate change goals and to meet future demand growth.”

NaiKun Wind continues to work with the federal government on the completion of its environmental review process for the project. The company also continues to assist the Haida Nation in its effort to secure support from the federal government that will enable the Haida Nation to become one of the generation project’s equity owners.

In addition to advancing the offshore wind project, NaiKun Wind is pursuing the acquisition of other renewable energy assets in order to diversify its risk profile and secure near-term revenue.