PEL 91 is operated by Drillsearch Energy, which holds 60% stake while the remaining is owned by Beach.

The Balgowan-1 well has encountered hydrocarbons in the primary target, intersecting a gross oil interval of approximately 29.5ft, of which 11.4ft (gross and net) were identified in the Namur Sandstone and 16.4ft in the overlying McKinlay Member.

Beach managing director Reg Nelson said: "The new field discovery at Balgowan has extended the oil fairway in PEL 91 that includes recent exploration success at Stunsail, Congony, Kalladeina and Sceale.

"The Western Flank continues to remain a key focus of Beach, however, we have also started focusing our efforts on the Eastern Flank of the Cooper Basin.

"Through our farm-ins with Bengal Energy in ATP 732 and more recently with Drillsearch in ATP 924, we plan to utilise our expertise to interpret 3D seismic information to identify prospects for drilling in the first half of 2015."

The Ensign 930 rig will be moved to the Burners-1 exploration well, located midway between the Balgowan and Stunsail discoveries, following completion of casing operations.