The project includes Beacon’s 1MW flywheel energy storage system into the Dave Gates Generation Station (DGGS) at Mill Creek near Anaconda.

Beacon Power president and CEO Bill Capp said this project determines how flywheel technology can be effectively integrated into the operation of DGGS.

The parties are planning to begin operation of the system later this year.

The companies will also collaborate to develop the flywheel system’s control signal algorithms to determine how best to optimize performance of the adjacent DGGS, and to evaluate and quantify the impact and potential benefits of the flywheel resource.

The companies will also seek to determine the optimum amount of flywheel regulation capacity for the site should NorthWestern elect to expand the flywheel capacity.

Beacon is also planning to develop a second 20MW energy storage plant in Pennsylvania.

Beacon is a provider of energy storage systems and services to support a reliable and efficient electricity grid.